苏教牛津版一下《Open the door,please》第二课时教案

2016-07-01  | 牛津 课时 教案 


  Review the four phrases.

  Ss are able to give the order and give the response.

  Learn to say the rhyme:


  Vocabulary: queue

  Sentence: Good boys wait in a queue.

  The difficult thing is cultivate Ss鈥 sense of polite.


  Pictures, tape recorder, multimedia,


  Step1 Everyday English and greetings

  Say the rhyme:

  Free talk:

  What鈥檚 the weather like today? / How鈥檚 the weather?

  T: I feel hot. Can you help me?

  Ss: Open the door.

  T: Good idea.

  Ss: Open the window.

  T: That鈥檚 a good idea.

  Step2: Revision

  Play the game: Miss Tu says. Ss do the action while I say Miss Tu says.

  Ss do the converse action as my order. If I say: Stand up, Ss sit down. If I say: sit down. Ss stand up.

  Ss read the 4 phrases by watching the cards.

  Game: What鈥檚 missing?

  Ss read the phrases by themselves.

  Step 3 Presentation

  1. T shows a picture of having lunch.

  T: This is our lunch time picture. Look at the Ss in our class. They all have the good manner. They stand in a queue.

  Queue, queue, in a queue.

  Ss read after me. And I tell them the Chinese meaning of 鈥渋n a queue鈥

  2. (1) Listen to the tape recorder.

  T: What do you catch?

  T writes down the sentences they have got. www.xkb1.com

  (2)T: Listen once again. And try to repeat.

  T teaches the word 鈥渨ait鈥 and give the necessary Chinese explain

  (3) in a queue, in a queue, wait in a queque.

  Ss read after teacher.

  Ss read after the tape recorder 2 times.

  Ss read by together. (boys, girls)

  Read in pairs. (show time)

  Step 4: Make the rhyme

  1.Use the 鈥済ood girls, good kids鈥 to instead of 鈥済ood boy鈥

  2. Ss work in pairs.

  3. Show time.

  4. Where we should wait in a queue in our life, Ss answer the question. T gives the hint to keep good manner in the social life. T praises the Ss who have the polite.

  Step 5 Homework:

  Read Part D until enable to recite.


  Unit 7 Open the door, please

  Wait in a queue

  In a queue,

  In a queue,

  Good boys wait in a queue.

《苏教牛津版一下“Open the door,please”第二课时教案》摘要:dea. Step2: Revision Play the game: Miss Tu says. Ss do the action while I say Miss Tu says. Ss do the converse action as my order. If I say: Stand up, Ss sit down. If I say: sit down. Ss stand up. S...
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