苏教牛津版一下 《In the park》第一课时教案

2016-07-01  | 牛津 课时 教案 


  To provide students with basic languages to express the thing in the park.

  Ss enable to know the meaning of sentence: What鈥檚 that?

  To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English.



  a bee, a bird, a kite, a balloon

  The pronunciation of balloon and bird


  Pictures, tape recorder, multimedia,


  Step1 Everyday English and greetings

  Sing a song:

  Free talk:

  How are you?

  What day is it today?

  What鈥檚 the weather like today? / How鈥檚 the weather?

  Who鈥檚 on duty today?

  Step2 Presentation

  Teach word: bee.

  T shows a part of the picture and asks: What鈥檚 this? Guess.

  T reads the word: bee for times.

  Ss read after T.

  T shows the letter B and asks: What鈥檚 this?

  Let Ss read the letter and the word.

  Teach: bird

  T shows a part of the picture and asks: What鈥檚 this? Guess.

  T shows the word: bird and tells Ss ir pronounces /э:/.

  Ss try to read the word. www.xkb1.com

  T: The bee can fly. The bird can fly. Can you fly? Who can fly?

  Teach: kite, balloon.

  Ss learn to say the word: kite.

  Game: Little train.

  Ss learn to say the word: balloon.

  Compare with the word: ball. Help Ss pronounce the word in the right way.

  Read two words for times.

  T says the words and Ss show the pictures of the words.

  Step 3 Practice

  Ask and answer: What鈥檚 this? Is this a 鈥Γ

  Point and read or read and show.

  Game: I read loudly, and you read lowly.

  Game: What鈥檚 missing?

  Step4 Consolidation

  Help Ss review the meaning of 鈥淲hat鈥檚 this?鈥 T puts one picture far away from the Ss and asks: Is that a鈥Γ What鈥檚 that? Help Ss understand the meaning of 鈥淲hat鈥檚 that?鈥

  T puts some pictures or some real things far away from Ss. Help Ss to ask: What鈥檚 that? And T answers.

  Read all the words after the tape recorder.

  Pair work: Ask and answer: What鈥檚 this? Is this a鈥Γ What鈥檚 that? Is that a鈥Γ

  Step 5 Homework

  (1) Review the four words.

  (2) Preview Part A.


  Unit 6 In the park

  a bee, a bird

  (Picture) (Picture)

  a kite, a balloon

  (Picture) (Picture)


  In Class, t takes real balloon. This object appeal children鈥檚 attention. Although the reading is hard. Using the way to touch your nose, help them to find the difference between 鈥渂alloon鈥 and 鈥渂lue鈥潯 T uses different actions to play the flying, it鈥檚 interesting. Ss enable to say while doing. It help them relax and meanwhile, they remember the words and eager to express.

《苏教牛津版一下 “In the park”第一课时教案》摘要:uo;s that? To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English. 重点难点: Vocabulary: a bee, a bird, a kite, a balloon The pronunciation of balloon and ...
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