Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

2012-03-16  | 可通 四会 英语 


  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  一 简要分析

  本单元的主题是鈥淚n a nature park鈥潱究问钡哪谌葜饕苙ature park展开,文本以对话的形式,以一张假期照片为线索,讨论公园里都有哪些景观。主要词汇是第一课时中的四会单词,主要句型是第二课时中的there be 结构单数形式的问答句,本课时是一个巩固拓展提高的环节,整体而言,听说方面难度不大,但是正确规范书写方面还需要进行指导和训练。

  通过前面专题的学习,我明白评价体系应与教学内容相结合,因此本课时我将奖品设置为各种景观的卡片(或是可以写画的空白卡片),学生可通过回答问题赢得卡片,所得卡片用来设计Long Hu nature park, 最后小组合作进行描述,这也是对本课所学语言的巩固运用。

  二 学情分析


  三 教学目标

  1 知识目标 100%学生能够理解文本大意,能够听说、认读四会句子:Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is. Is there a river? No, there isn鈥檛.


  100%学生参与复习巩固本单元已学词汇和There be句型单数形式的学习过程,其中75%能够当堂独立正确书写四会句子。

  2 能力目标 100%学生基本掌握there be 结构,能够用文本中的语言进行问答。

  60%学生能够根据实际灵活运用there be结构进行询问、交流和表达。

  3 情感目标 100%学生在参与学习的过程中收获快乐,收获成功的体验。


  4 语用目标 100%学生能够运用there be 结构简单进行问答,获取一些基本信息。

  60%学生能够根据实际灵活运用there be 结构主动交流表达,真正将这一结构内化成自身知识结构的一部分为我所用。

  四 教学重难点

  教学重点:1 能够听、说、读、写四会句子。

  2 能够掌握there be 结构单数形式的基本问答,即

  Is there a鈥? Yes, there is. \ No, there isn鈥檛.

  3 能够运用there be 结构单数形式的基本问答形式表述什么地方有什么东西。

  教学难点:1正确灵活运用there be 结构单数形式的基本问答形式表述什么地方有什么东西。

  2 四会句子的正确书写,如isn鈥檛中的鈥溾欌潯⒈甑愕取

  四 教学过程

  (一)Warm up & Lead in

  1 Greeting

  T: Good morning, class.

  Ss: Good morning,teacher.

  2 Magic eye

  T: It is very cold today, so first, let鈥檚 play a game. Warm up your brain, your mouth and your body.

  Look at the screen and stand up, say the words as quickly as you can.


  【设计意图】 复习所学词汇,营造英语学习气氛,为下面的学习做好准备。

  3 T: This lake is nice. It is Daming Lake.

  We have a big lake near here鈥擫ong Hu.

  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  Do you know?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: We are going to have a nature park there. Do you want to design it by yourself? May be the government will adopt your design. Look, I have some cards for you. 修改:They鈥檙e on your desks. If you answer my question, you can choose one and get it. Then you can design the Long Hu nature park using the cards. Try hard, get more. Let鈥檚 see who is a great designer. May be we can go to Longhu nature park next summer holiday. You can play there. You can take pictures there. 修改:What is the new Longhu nature park like? Can you ask?


  T: It doesn't matter.Let's learn a new passage, then you will know how to ask.


  Ss: Is there a ...?

  T: Yes, there is.\ No, there isn't.

  T: First, let's share a picture of Wu Yifan.




  1 Read & find

  T: Look, This is Wu Yifan鈥檚 picture.

  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  What is the picture about? It is a ___ picture.

  A school B home C holiday

  Ss: 鈥

  T: Now read the passage quickly, try to find the answer.


  通过阅读学生获取信息It is a holiday picture.

  Holiday, holiday, I like holiday.

  Summer holiday, winter holiday, we are so happy.

  T: Where is Wu Yifan?

  Read the passage and find the answer.

  Ss: He鈥檚 in the nature park.

  2 Listen, read and underline.

  T: What鈥檚 in the nature park? Do you want to know?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Sarah wants to know, too. How does she ask?

  Listen carefully, read the passage and underline the sentences.

  T: Read the sentences you underline please.

  Ss: Is there a forest in the park?

  Yes, there is.

  Is there a river?

  No, there isn鈥檛.

  Is there a lake?

  Yes, there is.

  T: Good. There is a forest and a river.

  Can you ask and answer using 鈥淚s there a 鈥?

  Yes, there is. \ No, there isn鈥檛.鈥?

  Ss: 鈥 ( pair work)


  3 Listen and fill in the blanks.

  T: You did a good job! I have a challenge for you. Can you fill in these blanks? Have a try, listen again.

  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  Check the answers.

  T: Are you right? If you made a mistake, please correct it quickly.


  4 Listen,point and imitate.

  【设计意图】 听录音跟读,训练学生的语音语调。

  T: Show me your finger please. Let鈥檚 listen to the tape, repeat sentence by sentence. Pay attention to your pronunciation and tone.

  5 Read & write

  Read the key sentences again, then put the following words in right order.

  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  T: Write these sentences on the paper.

  Teacher writes the sentences on the board.

  T: Check your answer and pay attention to the red parts.


  (三 )Consolidation & Extension

  1 Group work:Design the nature park.

  T: How many cards have you got? Now please put them on the paper, make a picture of your nature park. Then talk about it in groups.

  Is there a 鈥?

  Yes, there is. \ No, there isn鈥檛.

  Ss: 鈥


  2 Guessing game.

  T: I designed a nature park, too. Do you want to know what my park is like?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: OK. Now let鈥檚 play a game. Guess what鈥檚 in my nature park.

  (Is there a 鈥?)

  Ss: Is there a 鈥?

  T: Yes, there is. \ No, there isn鈥檛.

  (Ask and answer for several times.)

  T: Look, this is my nature park. I think your design must be more beautiful than mine. Who want to show us?



  Ss: Is there a 鈥?

  Ss: Yes, there is. \ No, there isn鈥檛.

  3 Reading time

  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  Choose a passage and read it, then answer the questions.

  Passage A

  Hello, I鈥檓 Le Le. I鈥檓 from Jinan. Jinan is a beautiful city. There are many famous places. For example, Daming Lake, Qianfo Mountain, Baotu Spring, etc. Baotu Spring is the most famous spring in Jinan. There are many other springs too. So Jinan is called 鈥渟pring city鈥.

  (1)Is there a mountain in Jinan?


  (2) 鈥斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺敚

  Yes, there is.

  Passage B

  Daming Lake is a beautiful park in Jinan. There is a big lake in it. There are many willows around the lake. It is very big and clean. The air is fresh , the sky is blue. There are many boats in the lake. Lots of people come here to row a boat. You can see the beautiful lotus and lotus leaves on boat. That鈥檚 exciting.!

  (1)Is there a beautiful park in Jinan?


  (2) 鈥斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺敚

  Yes, there is.

  Passage C

  Welcome to Qianfo Mountain. Today I'm your guider. Here is a beautiful nature park. There are many trees. There are lots of mountains. The trees are green. The air is fresh. But there is no river in the nature park. I like it. What about you?

  (1)Is there a mountain in Jinan?


  (2) 鈥斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺敚

  No, there isn鈥檛.

  Passage D

  Jinan is famous for spring. There are many springs. The most famous one is Baotu spring. It is in the park-- Baotu Spring. There are lots of small springs. There are many bridges, trees and visitors. But there is no mountain here. Look, there is a pretty girl. She is taking photos there.

  (1)Is there a big spring in Jinan?


  (2) 鈥斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺斺敚

  No, there isn鈥檛.

  4 展示各种自然景观的图片,学唱歌曲 The Panda.

  Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案

  T: The nature is so beautiful. The air is fresh and clean. I like it very much. Our friend panda likes the nature park, too. Listen! He is singing. Let's sing together.


  Our hometown--Jinan is so beautiful!

  It will be sunny this weekend. You can visit one of the sceneries you like with your parents or your friends.

  Please open your eyes.

  Look at it!

  Enjoy it!

  Love it!(修改)

  (四) Homework

  1 Listen to the tape and read after it for 15 minutes.

  2 Talk about your holiday picture with your partner and write down it.

  3 Write a short passage about the scenery using"There be..." Tell us what it is like next Monday.(修改)

  (五) Board design

  Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Read and write

  Is there a 鈥?

  Yes, there is. \ No, there isn鈥檛.

《Unit 6 In a Nature Park A Read and write教案》摘要:索,讨论公园里都有哪些景观。主要词汇是第一课时中的四会单词,主要句型是第二课时中的there be 结构单数形式的问答句,本课时是一个巩固拓展提高的环节,整体而言,听说方面难度不大,但是正确规范书写方面还需要...
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