
2012-01-10  |  

  He walked on still further, and it was so quiet that he could hear his own breath. Finally he came to the tower and opened the door to the little room where Little Brier-Rose was sleeping. 他继续向里寻去,一切都静得出奇,连自己的呼吸都清晰可闻。终於,他来到古老的宫楼,推开了玫瑰公主在的那个小房间的门。

  There she lay and was so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off her. He bent over and gave her a kiss. When he touched her with the kiss Little Brier-Rose opened her eyes, awoke, and looked at him kindly.。玫瑰公主睡得正香,她是那么美丽动人,他瞪大眼睛,连眨也舍不得眨一下,看着看着,禁不住俯下身去吻了她一下。就这一吻,玫瑰小姐一下子苏醒过来,她张开双眼,微笑着充满深情地注视着他,王子抱着她一起走出了宫楼。

  They went downstairs together, and the king awoke, and the queen, and all the royal attendants, and they looked at one another in amazement. The horses in the courtyard stood up and shook themselves. The hunting dogs jumped and wagged their tails. The pigeons on the roof pulled their little heads out from beneath their wings, looked around, and flew into the field. The flies on the walls crept about again. The fire in the kitchen rose up, broke into flames, and cooked the food. The roast began to sizzle once again. The cook boxed the boy's ears, causing him to cry, and the maid finished plucking the chicken.此刻,国王和王后也醒过来了,王宫里所有的人都醒过来了。他们怀着极大的好奇心互相凝视着,似乎还不明白到底发生了甚么事情。马站了起来,摇摆着身体;狗儿欢跳不止,汪汪吠叫;鸽子由翅膀下抬起了头,昂首四顾,振翅飞向田野;墙上的苍蝇嗡嗡地飞了开去;厨房里的火又窜起了火苗开始烧饭,烧烤的肉又吱吱作响;厨师怒吼着扇了童工一个耳光;女仆继续给鸡拔毛,一切都恢复了往日的模样。

  And then the prince's marriage to Little Brier-Rose was celebrated with great splendor, and they lived happily until they died. 不久,王子和玫瑰公主举行了盛大的结婚典礼,他们幸福欢乐地生活在一起,一直白头到老。

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