Unit 5 What are you going to do?第一课时

2009-09-26  | What 课时 are 


  1 热身 (Warm—up)

  教师播放学生已学的歌曲“What are you going to do?”学生齐唱。(播放这首歌曲的目的是为学生要学的What are you going to do ? 让学生先熟悉这个句型)。

  T: teacher , Ss :students

  T: Good morning , boys and girls .

  Ss : Good morning , Miss Zhao .

  T: What’s the weather like today?

  Ss: It’s sunny.

  T: What day is it today?

  Ss: It’s Monday.

  T: What day is it tomorrow ?

  Ss: It’s Tuesday.

  T: What do you usually do on Tuesdays / in the evening ?

  Ss: I usually read books….

  2. 预习(Preview)

  (1)T: Let’s look at the chart in the computer. 教师点击图表边点击边说:Look ! We have so many classes in a week. On Mondays , we have English , Chinese, math …教师点击Tuesday… 学生回答:We have math ,music….


  T: What day is it today?

  Ss: It’s Monday.

  T: What time is it now ?

  Ss: It’s 9:00.

  T: What are you doing now?

  Ss : We are having English class.

  4.新课呈现 (Presentation)

  Let’s learn

  (1)老师请一位学生起来,T:What classes are you going to have this afternoon ? S1: We have …. 教师要予以纠正,并板书:I am going to ….并对其意义稍做解释。

  (2)教师说: Suppose we are free today, what are you going to do?让学生自由回答: I am going to buy a book . I am going to ….让学生做替换练习。

《Unit 5 What are you going to do?第一课时》摘要:e have English , Chinese, math …教师点击Tuesday… 学生回答:We have math ,music…. (2)教师出示当天的日历,师生进行如下问答: T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s Monday. T: What ti...
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