
2008-10-15 作者:嫩水若蓝 |  

  Fine—身体很好 boy—男孩子 girl—女孩

  Have them know the meaning of them.

  Read them after the teacher.

  Read them one by one and match the reading spead of them.

  Check the reading up and correct the pronounciations.

  Activity 2:Read the new sentences and act them out.

  ----How are you?

  ----I’m fine,too. And how are you?

  ----I’m fine too.Thank you.

  Have Ss hold the meaning of them above.

  Try reading them following the teacher.

  Pratise them in deskmates.

  Read them one by one for 2 times.

  Play the tape recorder and have them follow it.

  Check up and correct the pronounciation.

  Read them together on books.

  Act the dialogue out in groups.

  (四)Summing up:

  We’ve got much introductions this class and enjoyed ourselves,right?


  Read the new sentences folloing the tape recorder and make a new free talk.

  (六)Boardwords design:

  Module 2 Unit 1 Introductions

  ----How are you?

  ----I’m fine,too. And how are you?

  ----I’m fine too.Thank you.

  (七)Summing after the class:

  Period 2

  Teaching aims:

  Have ss hold the dialogue in unit 2

  Teaching course:


  1.Sing an English song.

  2.act it out:introduce themselves to each other.


  Play a game:

  The teacher explains that he/she is going to say different greetings

  and farewells.The students have to respond with similar greetings of farewells.

  The game continues with the teacher saying the greetings faster and faster.

  (三)New lessons:

  tivity 1:Listen and point:

  T: Look at your books,please.

  The teacher asks the students to describe the pictures in Chinese<Sam greets to Mr.Li,and Mr Li asks him that “what’s your name?”

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2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第二
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第一
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Let's eat》第五课时
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Let's eat》第四课时


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