
2006-09-22 小精灵儿童网站 作者:余冉 何雨桐  | 波斯 离岛 白猫 



  Penny lived on an outlying island. She had a cat. It was white all over like snow, and was so soft to the touch that holding it was like holding a cotton ball. It was so lovable.

  One day, Penny took the cat to the park. There she met a girl who had a Persian cat with her. Its hairs were golden, and it had a fluffy face. Penny just fell in love with it. So she said to the girl, 'Do you like my white cat?'




  'Yes, I do,' the girl said.

  'Then let us exchange. You give me the Persian, and I give you my white cat,' Penny said.

  The white cat was definitely displeased - its owner did not want it anymore! It protested with a few meows, but Penny was quite determined. So it had to go with its new owner.





  About a month later, Penny took the golden Persian to the beach. There she saw a boy who was walking with his dog. The animal was prancing along behind him, happily kicking up the sprays as they played. But Pennys cat stayed timidly in her arms, refusing to get its feet wet.

  Penny couldn help admiring the dog. So she said to the boy, 'Do you like my cat?'

  'Yes, I do,' the boy said.

  'Then let us exchange. You give me your dog, and I give you my cat,' Penny said.



  The Persian cat was distressed - its owner did not want it anymore! It protested with a few growls, but what else could it do? Penny was quite determined. So it had to go with its new owner.

  At first, Penny liked her dog, which she called Adam. But about a month later, she took Adam to visit her classmate, Jo Jo in her house. There was a peacock in Jo Jos garden. When it spread its fan-like tail of feathers, it was beautiful!



  Just when Penny wanted to say she would like to exchange it with her dog, Adam leapt out of the door. Penny followed it, but Adam said,

  'I don want to have a friend like you. I don want to be a thing you can exchange anytime you like it. You don know what friendship means!' And after saying that, it ran away. For the first time, Penny was heart-broken because she had lost a friend.




  She felt sad and heart-broken for a long while.

  Then one day, she was still sleeping after her mom and dad had gone to work when suddenly she was woken by a dog barking by her side. The kitchen was on fire! She rushed out of her home and banged on the neighbours door to ask for help. The fire was put out easily. When she had time to take a good look at the dog that saved her, she discovered that it was Adam!

  'Im so glad you have not forgotten me,' Penny cried as she held Adam close to her, 'I will not exchange you for anything anymore. You are not a hing, I understand that now.'

昆明市虹山小学四(1)班 余冉何雨桐


《萍萍的猫和狗》摘要:as like holding a cotton ball. It was so lovable. One day, Penny took the cat to the park. There she met a girl who had a Persian cat with her. Its hairs were golden, and it had a fluffy face. Penny ...
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