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Point to her nose 教案

  • 小学英语外研社第五册 Point to her nose 教案

  • 外研社英语三年级上册《Point to her nose》教案

    教学目标:1、Pupils are able to learn the new words:eyes、ears、nose、mouth2、Pupils are able to describe the parts of the body:Point to...3、the difference between his and her教学重点:The pa...
  • 外研社三年级上《Point to her nose》教学实录

    Listen,point and say.听—听,指一指,说一说。(教材第59页)情景详解英语描述:In English class,the students are playing a game.汉语描述:在英语课上,学生们正在做游戏。词...
  • 外研社三年级上册《Point to her nose》教学设计

    教学背景:Students in grade three are active,creative and talkative.They love to show their abilities.They also like singing English songs. In my class, there’re 69 s...
  • 外研社英语三上《Point to her nose》教学设计

    教学目标:1、使学生掌握身体部位的单词:nose、eyes、 ears、 mouth并运用句型: Point to …2、学习认读分辨单词:his, her3、通过本课学习,使学生有兴趣听、说英语、做游戏,敢于...
  • 外研社三年级上《Point to her nose》说课设计

    教材分析:本节课的内容选自新标准《小学英语》三年级第一册Module 10 Unit2。本节课要求学生在掌握Unit1的基础上,继续学习身体部位的词语nose、 eyes、 ears、 mouth以及his和her...
  • 外研社三年级上《Point to her nose》相关材料

  • 外研社英语三上册《Point to her nose》教学反思

  • 外研社三年级上《Point to her nose》教学设计

    教材分析:本节课的教学内容选自新标准《小学英语》三年级起点第一册Module10 Unit2。本节课要求学生在掌握Unit1 This is his head的基础上,继续学习身体部位的词语nose, ears, eyes, mouth...
  • 外研社三年级上英语《Point to her nose》教学设计

    教学目标:1)学习目标语句: This is his head. 单词:arm、leg、these、her、his.2)能口头运用This is his head.这类语句谈论基本身体部位。3)能在图片提示下整体识别单词arm、leg、these、her、his....
  • 外研社三上册英语《Point to her nose》教学反思

    今天我所讲的是新标准《小学英语》三年级起点第一册Module10 Unit2。这节课的教学目标。1、是使学生掌握身体部位的单词:eyes、ears、nose、mouth并运用句型:Point to...2、学习认读分辨单词:his和her3、学会...
  • 外研社三年级上《Point to her nose》教学反思

  • 外研社英语三上《Point to her nose》教学反思

  • 外研社三上英语《Point to her nose》教学反思

  • 外研社三上英语《Point to her nose》相关资料

    Module 10 Unit 2 Point to her nose.第十模块 第二单元 指向她的鼻子。Activity1 Listen, point and say.活动1 听,指向与说。Point to his nose.指向他的鼻子。This is his nose.这是他的鼻子。...
  • 外研社三上英语《Point to her nose》教学设计

    教学目标:(1)This is his head. (2)arm、leg、these、her、his.(3)shoulder knee toe等词汇。教学重点:The parts of the body.教学准备:Card .Pictures .tapes . radio教学过程:一、 Greeting二...
  • Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose 教案(五)

    1、教学目标:1)学习目标语句:Point to her eyes.单词:eye、ear、mouth、nose.2)能口头运用Point to her eyes,这类语句发出指令,并能根据指令指出相应的身体部位。3)能在图片提示下整体识别单词eye、ea...
  • Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose 教案(四)

    一、教学准备与分析教学目标1、技能与知识目标A、基本要求基本能听懂,会读,会说Point to her ...句型描述第三人称女性的身体部位。基本能听懂,会读,会说 nose, eyes, ears, mouth, shoulders...
  • Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose 教案(三)

    一、教学目标:1)能听说读写单词: eye、ear、mouth、nose.2)能灵活运用句子Point to her eyes,并使用这类语句发出指令,并能根据指令指出相应的身体部位。3)学习本课的歌曲,这项内容不作要...
  • Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose 教案(二)

    本节课要求学生在掌握Unit1 This is his head的基础上,继续学习面部器官的词语nose, ears, eyes, mouth,以及his和her的用法。Teaching objectives:1、Pupils are able to learn the new words:eyes、ears...
  • Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose 教案(一)

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