苏教牛津版英语二上《Put on your coat》第二课时教案

2016-10-21  | 牛津 英语 coat 


  1.能发指令take off鈥蚿ut on鈥Σ⒆稣返姆从Α

  2.Encourage students to take care of others in their daily life

  3. 会说歌谣Put on your coat.


  能发指令take off鈥蚿ut on鈥Σ⒆稣返姆从Α


  在实际情景中正确使用take off和put on这对反义词。


  ppt, word cards, pictures and some clothes.


  Step 1 Warm up.(预设时间3分钟)

  1.Review the words about clothes.

  (1) Show students the chant in ppt, and ask them to say the chant together.

  T: Look at the chant. Let鈥檚 say it together.

  Ss: A coat, a coat, a black coat.

  I like my black coat.

  A sweater, a sweater, a yellow sweater.

  I like my yellow sweater.

  A T - shirt, a T-shirt, a purple T- shirt.

  I like my purple T- shirt.

  A skirt, a skirt, a red skirt.

  I like my red skirt.

  (2) Review the sentences: Look at 鈥t鈥檚 nice. It鈥檚 red鈥


  T: Look at my coat. Is it nice? Is it red?

  Ss: It鈥檚 nice. It鈥檚 new.

  S1: Look at my 鈥

  Ss: It鈥檚 nice. It鈥檚 鈥

  S2: Look at my 鈥

  Ss: It鈥檚 nice. It鈥檚 鈥


  (设计意图:在Warm up 这一环节教师先后设计了chant 和game 两个环节,目的是帮助学生复习巩固上一节课的单词和句子,也为了这节课的内容作铺垫。)

  2.Review the sentence :What can you do ? I can鈥

  (1) Say the chant in ppt, do the action together.

  Ss: Run, run, I can run.

  Jump, jump, I can jump.

  Sing, sing, I can sing.

  Dance, dance, I can dance.

  Swim, swim, I can swim.

  Skate, skate, I can skate.

  (2) 游戏活动(Little train)

  T: I can run. What can you do?

  S1: I can 鈥 What can you do?

  S2:I can 鈥 What can you do?

  S3: 鈥


  Step 2 Presentation.(预设时间14分钟)

  1. Teach 鈥榟ot鈥 鈥榯ake off鈥

  (1)T: I鈥檓 hot. I鈥檒l take off my coat. (教师作热状,并脱下自己的外套)

  Show students the picture and the word 鈥 hot dog鈥 in ppt.

  T: What鈥檚 this?

  Ss: It鈥檚 a hot dog.

  Delete the word 鈥渄og鈥潯 Ask students to read the word 鈥 hot鈥潯

  T: Hot, hot. It鈥檚 hot. ( 教师作热状)

  Ss: Hot, hot. It鈥檚 hot. ( 学生作热状)


  (2) Teach the sentences: Take off your coat

  T: We are hot. We can take off our coat.(示意学生脱衣服)


  Present the card 鈥 Take off your coat.鈥 Read the word 鈥 take鈥 together, then change the letter 鈥 t鈥 into the letter 鈥 c鈥 and read the word 鈥渃ake鈥 together. Change the letters for several times, the students should response quickly. Finally read the sentence groups by groups.

  (设计意图:通过运动引出句型 鈥 It鈥檚 hot.鈥澖鲋氐憔湫蚑ake off your 鈥 在此之中take 和cake 在字形和读音上都较容易混淆,需要对比教学。)

  2.Listen and act

  (1)Ask students to do some actions according to the teacher鈥檚 orders.Just like this:

  T: It鈥檚 hot. Take off your coat.

  S1: All right./ OK.( 引导学生作脱衣服状)

  T: Take off your coat.

  S2: All right./ OK.( 学生作脱衣服状)

  (2)Encourage some students to give orders to the students next them.


  3.Teach鈥榗old鈥檃nd鈥榩ut on鈥

  (1)Choose some students to ask questions.

  T: Are you hot now?

  S: Yes./No.

  If the student answerd 鈥淵es鈥 then the teacher should ask him/her to take off his/ her clothes.

  T: Take off your coat. Take off your sweater.

  Till the students say 鈥 no鈥潱 the teacher can say 鈥 Put on your sweater.鈥


  Present the word 鈥 cold鈥潯 Read it together and show them the word 鈥渃oat鈥 .Pay attention to the letters 鈥渢鈥 and 鈥 d鈥潯

  Follow the teacher.


  T: Cold, cold. It鈥檚 cold. (教师作冷状)

  Sgroup1: Cold, cold. It鈥檚 cold. (学生作冷状)

  Sgroup2: Cold, cold. It鈥檚 cold. (学生作冷状)

  (4)T: Put on your sweater.(教师作穿衣服状)

  Present the sentence and ask students to read it one group by another group.


  Ask students to do some actions according to the teacher鈥檚 orders.

  T: It鈥檚 cold. Put on your sweater.

  S1: All right./ OK.( 引导学生作穿衣服状)

  T: Put on your sweater.

  S2: All right./ OK.( 学生作穿衣服状)

  (6)Encourage some students to give orders to the students next them.

  Step3 Consolidation.(预设时间15分)


  (1) Look at Picture1 of the text and ask them some questions.

  Q1: Who鈥檚 she?

  Q2: Is it hot or cold?

  Q3: Guess what they are saying.

  (2) 模仿朗读

  Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

  (3)Look at Picture2 of the text and ask them some questions.

  Q1: Who鈥檚 he?

  Q2: Is it hot or cold?

  Q3: Guess what are they saying?

  (4) 模仿朗读

  Listen to the tape and read after the tape.


  游戏说明(哑剧表演):邀请四位同学上台,根据教师的口令,做出相应的动作,比比谁的动作最形象。 再由做得最好的那位同学,做动作,请其他同学猜猜是什么。

  T: Put on your skirt.

  Take off your sweater.

  Put on your T- shirt.

  Take off your coat.

  Ss: All right./ OK.


  3.Do some exercise.

  Take out the exercise paper and finish the exercise.

  Choose the sentence according to the pictures.

  A: ______. A: ______.

  B: ______. B: ______.

  a. It鈥檚 cold. b. It鈥檚 hot.

  c. Put on your coat. d. Take off your coat.


  Learn the rhyme.

  (1) Look at picture2 in the exercise.

  T: It鈥檚 winter. It鈥檚 cold. It鈥檚 so cold.(教师分别做cold和so cold 状。)


  (2) Show students the flash of the rhyme, ask them to listen carefully.

  (3) Say the rhyme with some actions.

  (4) 模仿改编儿歌

  Encourage students to change the words in the rhyme. The teacher could make a model at first. Then the students could make it with their partners. Finally invite some students to perform before the class.

  Step5 Homework.(预设时间1分钟)

  1. Read the text and the rhyme.

  2. Try to recite the words three times.


  Unit 10 Put on your coat

  Take off鈥 hot

  Put on鈥 cold

《苏教牛津版英语二上“Put on your coat”第二课时教案》摘要:歌谣Put on your coat. 教学重点: 能发指令take off…和put on…并做正确的反应。 教学难点: 在实际情景中正确使用take off和put on这对反义词。 教学准备: ppt, word cards, pictures and some cl...
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