
2016-09-29  | 中加 练习 练习题 

  一、Write the names of the subjects. 看图,写出下面的课程。


  二、Read and match the words. 用线连接相应的单词。


  三、Look read and match. 根据短文内容,将图中人物和他们要做的事情用线连接。



  四、Look, read and circle. 看图、读句子、圈出正确答案。


  五、Read and match. 从B栏中选择与A栏对应的句子,用线连接。


  六、Read and add 鈥渟hould 鈥 or 鈥 shouldn鈥檛 鈥 .读下面的句子,在正确的做法中加上should、不正确的做法的句子中加上shouldn鈥檛和所需的其它用语。

  1. We waste too much water.


  2. We cut down too many trees.


  3. We kill too many wild animals for our food and clothes.


  4. Listen to the teacher carefully.


  5. Make noise in class.


  6. Be late for class.


  7. Hand in your homework on time.


  8. Keep our classroom clean.


  9. Cross the street at the red traffic light.


  10. Read in bed.


  七、Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 选择适当的词填空。



  八、Read and choose. 根据所给情景,选择最佳答案。

  ( )1. Lily 愁眉苦脸的,你关心地问道

A. What鈥檚 wrong?
B. What do you do?

  ( )2. Lily 肚子痛,她说

A. I have a toothache.
B. I have a stomachache.

  ( )你这样对Lily提出建议

A. You should wash your hands before eating.
B. You should drink more pop

  ( )3. 你建议你的弟弟不要吃太多的快餐食品,你这样表达说

A. You shouldn鈥檛 eat too much chocolate.
B. You shouldn鈥檛 eat too much fast food.

  ( )4. Helen 上课总感觉疲倦,你建议她

A. You should stay up late.
B. You should go to bed early.

  ( )5. 你需要Ken 的建议,这样对Ken表达

A. I need your advice.
B. I have no idea.

  ( )6. 你的电脑坏了,你这样表达

A. I pressed the wrong switch of the computer.
B. My computer is broken.

  ( )7. 你昨天在电脑上玩游戏了,这样表达

A. I played games on the computer yesterday.
B. I worked on the computer yesterday.

  ( )8. 鈥溎悴荒茉谛醋饕登巴娴缒杂蜗贰b澃职终庋阅闼

A. You shouldn鈥檛 play computer games on weekends.
B. You shouldn鈥檛 play computer games before doing your homework.

  九、Put the sentences in the right order. 标出所给句子的正确顺序。

  1. A. I am going to Toronto.

  B. Are you going to London for your Christmas holiday?

  C. By train. You know Toronto isn鈥檛 far from here. How about you?

  D. Yes, I am. Where do you plan to go at Christmas?

  E. How are you going there?

  F. I am taking a plane. It鈥檚 really far.

  ( )( )( )( )( )( )

  2. A. 鈥楢re you inviting her to the picnic this Sunday?鈥

  B. 鈥業鈥檓 sending an e-mail to Ann.鈥 Ted answered.

  C. 鈥楴o. I鈥檓 inviting her to my birthday party next month.鈥

  D. 鈥極h, yes. Next month is your birthday. What would you like for your birthday?鈥

  E. 鈥榃hat are you doing, Ted?鈥 his mother asked.

  F. 鈥業 want a CD player and some nice CDs.鈥

  G. 鈥楢ll right. Shall we go shopping this afternoon?鈥

  H. 鈥楽ure.鈥

  ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )

  十、Answer the questions. 回答问题。

  1. How much do these gloves cost?北师大版小学六年级英语上册综合练习题


  2. How do they feel?北师大版小学六年级英语上册综合练习题


  3. He鈥檚 too thin. What should he do? Give your advice.北师大版小学六年级英语上册综合练习题


  十一、Read and choose. 根据短文内容,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。

  Mr and Mrs Jones never go out in the evening, but last Saturday Mrs Jones said to her husband, 鈥淭here is a good movie at the cinema tonight. Shall we go and see it?"

  Mr Jones was quite happy about it. So they went, and both of them enjoyed the movie very much.

  When they came out of the cinema, it was already 11 o'clock. They got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Mrs Jones said, "Look, a woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her. Can you see them?鈥 Mr Jones said, 鈥淵es, I can.鈥 He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, 鈥淐an I help you?"

  "No, thanks,鈥 said the woman, but she did not stop running. 鈥淢y husband (丈夫.and I always run home after the cinema. Because whoever (不论谁. gets home late will wash dishes. "

  ( )1. Mr and Mrs Jones ________.

  A. often stay at home in the evening

  B. often go out in the evening

  C. often go out to have supper

  D. often go to the cinema in the evening

  ( )2. Last Saturday, they ________

  A. went out for a walk

  B. went to see a movie

  C. went to see a woman

  D. went to buy a car

  ( )3. ________ enjoyed the movie very much.

  A. Mr Jones

  B. Mrs Jones

  C. Both Mr and Mrs Jones

  D. The woman

  ( )4. On their way home, they saw ________.

  A. a man running after a woman

  B. two man running together

  C. a woman running after a man

  D. two women running together

  ( )5. Why were the man and the woman running?


  A. the woman's husband was angry with her

  B. they liked running

  C. the man and the woman didn鈥檛 want to wash the dishes

  D. they tried to catch the car

  十二、Complete the dialogue. 根据首字母提示在空白处填入一个适当的词语,使对话内容完整正确。

  Bill: Andy, what do you think about breakfast?

  Andy: Oh, I think breakfast is one of the m________important meals of the day. We should eat a good breakfast every day. E________the right food is good for our health.

  Bill: Yes, I think so. We should eat different k________ of food to keep a good health, such as eggs, bread, milk and so on. But some children d________ eat breakfast every morning.

  Andy: That鈥檚 not good. Without breakfast, children may not grow as f________as they should and may not study and play as w________ as they could.

  Bill: You鈥檙e right. Breakfast is so important for the body. So we m________eat breakfast, we may feel wonderful in the morning work a________a good breakfast, then we can keep in good health and do our best each morning.

  十三、What chores do you do at home? Please write a paragraph about them. 你在家做什么家务?请把你做的家务写下来吧。




《北师大版小学六年级英语上册综合练习题》摘要: 六、Read and add should or shouldn’t .读下面的句子,在正确的做法中加上should、不正确的做法的句子中加上shouldn’t和所需的其它用语。 1. We waste too much water. 2. We cut down too many...
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