外研社二上《I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning》教学设计

2016-08-02  | 英语 教学 外研社 


  二年级的学生经过一段时间的英语学习有了一定的英语基础, 可以进行一些简单的交际,对英语学习也很感兴趣。


  本模块是该课本的第5模块,主要学习的是英文时间整点和半 点的表示方法,以及用英文描述自己或者是别人一天的生活,贴近孩子们的生活实际但是也有一些难度,特别是半点的表示方法。



  1.学一学,用一用鈥済et up鈥 鈥済o鈥 鈥 have鈥 鈥 play鈥澋榷识逃

  2.让学生听懂、会说、会用句型:I get up at ___ o鈥檆lock. I go to school at __ o鈥檆lock. I have lunch at ___ o鈥檆lock.








  1. Greetings

  Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?

  2. Warm-up:

  Singa song----If you are happy

  3. Lead-in:

  use the clock to review how to express time in English

  4. Presentation:

  First, learn the new words----get up, go to school, have, play.

  Consolidate the new words in different ways----read the words one by one, read the words in groups, read the words with the whole class.

  Second, text learning.

  (1) Listen to the CD. While listening, students follow and point to each word.

  (2) Listen to the CD. While listening, students follow and find the words---get up, go, have, play.

  (3) Students read and practice the text in groups.

  (4) Listen to the CD. While listening, students follow and try to imitate.

  (5) Teacher find the students who can imitate the best and ask him or her to be a little teacher, the others follow the student.

  Third, listen and say:

  (1) Look at the pictures and try to read the sentence in your groups. Group discussion and try to use body language to show the sentence.

  (2) Listen to the CD and try to imitate the pronunciation of each word.

  (3) One student does the action and the others say the sentence, the fastest group can get stars.

  Fourth, practice:

  Work in pairs and try to describe the activity of panda Panpan.

  Ask two or three groups to give us the presentation.

  5. Practice

  Teacher and one student work in pairs and give students a model. Teacher acts and the student say the sentence.

  Work in pairs and later ask them to show.

  6. Summary

  What have we learned today?

  Students discuss in groups and ask some of them to report.

  7. Homework

  Make a survey about the daily life of your friends.


  在问答练习环节,单独的问时间孩子们回答的还可以,但是如果将时间和事情放在一句话中,孩子们掌握起来有些难度,还需要多多练习巩固。 本节课的教学有一些需要改进之处。比如,在听课文录音时,有些学生趁机玩小动作,而不专心听,整个过程之中,操练还是少了一些。 总之,本节课的设计较好地体现了新标准的教学理念,为学生创设了全面发展的学习空间。在今后的教学中,我会更加努力钻研教材,上好每一节课。

《外研社二上“I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning”教学设计》摘要:珍惜时间,提高英语学习兴趣。 教学方法: 二年级的学生求知欲和好奇心比较强,并且喜欢比较活跃的课堂氛围,利用这一点在课堂中采用多种游戏和竞争的方式来提高学生课堂的参与度和积极性。本节课主要采用的方法有:...