外研社六下《What do you want to eat?》第一课时教案

2016-07-13  | 六下 外研社 句型 


  Language function:To use 鈥渂e going to鈥 structure to express plans and willings.

  Language structure: 鈥渂e going to鈥 structure

  To learn to ask questions with the target language

  When are we going to...? What are we/they going to鈥?


  To use 鈥渂e going to鈥 to express plans and willings.


  To ask questions with 鈥渂e going to鈥


  Tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.


  Ⅰ. Warm- upw

  a. Greeting:Sing a song-What do you want to eat?

  b. Look and say the words and phrases.

  T: May Day is coming. I鈥檓 going to go to Beijing. What are you going to do? Where are you going to go?

  Ss:I鈥檓 going to鈥

  (设计意图:通过课前歌曲及free talk进行热身,创设良好的英语语言环境的同时复习上节课的句型。复习了动词及词组的英语表达,为本课句型的灵活运用埋下伏笔。)

  Ⅱ. Presentation

  T: OK, today we are going to learn a new lesson, M2U1 When are we going to eat?.(出示课题),first let鈥檚 look at our aims about this class.(课件展示) let鈥檚 look at this picture: T: Who can you see in this picture? S: Daming, Simon and Simon鈥檚 mum. T: You are right, Do you know what are they going to do ? S: They are going to have a picnic. T: Yes, they are going to have a picnic, do you know what鈥檚 their picnic going to be ? Now we are going to listen ,and find out the answer. (设计意图:在学习课文前,让学生仔细观察图片,对课文有个初步印象,然后设疑: what鈥檚 their picnic going to be ?让学生带着好奇心进一步学习课文,学习句型be going to 在具体情境中的自然表达。)

  Ⅲ.New teaching

  1. Look and listen then circle the words that you can鈥檛 read and circle : 鈥渂e going to 鈥︹(整体感知课文) T: Where are they ?

  S: They are in the park. T: What are they going to do in the park? S: They are going to have a picnic. T: Do they have a good picnic? T: Ok, let鈥檚 talk about the picnic.

  2. Listen to Part 1 and ask : T: What time is it now ? And when are they going to eat? S:At half past twelve.( 师课件出示12点和12点半的图片并进行领读和拼读记忆)

  T: From half past eleven to half past twelve , what are they going to do ?

  S: They are going to have a picnic.

  T: What鈥檚 the weather going to be like?

  S: It鈥檚 going to rain .

  T:But Simon鈥檚 mum says: It鈥檚 a beautiful day. And what are they going to see ?

  S: They are going to see some ducks. T: You listen, what are the ducks like ?

  S: They are lovely.

  T: Look at Part 2 , What鈥檚 happening ? listen! S: It鈥檚 raining.

  T: Where are they going ?

  S: They are going over there.

  T: look at the ducks , they are eating their picnic. We know it鈥檚 raining now , so their food is wet How is their picnic ? Do you think they have a good picnic? Why ?

  (设计意图: 以时间为线索,采用借助图片,师生问答的形式对be going to .. 展开教学活动,从而理解课文大意,最后以How is their picnic ? 总结提问的形式又回到课前预设的问题中,从而让学生更准确理解课文)

  Ⅳ. Review the new words and expressions.

  This class we learnt some new words and phrases: Teacher says Chinese, students say English Main sentences: be going to 鈥

  V. Read the text

  1. listen and repeat the text.

  2. Read in groups.

  3. Performance.

  VI. Summary and homework.

  1. Copy the sentences and new words in the text.

  2. Filling the blanks

  Daming ,Simon and Simon鈥檚 Mum ___ going to have a picnic in a park. It鈥檚________ past eleven. There is one hour to go. They are going to eat at half past____. There are some _______ on the pond. They are __________.And there are some dark ________in the sky.It鈥檚 _______now. The ducks are eating our sandwiches .They are __________.

《外研社六下“What do you want to eat?”第一课时教案》摘要:to go to Beijing. What are you going to do? Where are you going to go? Ss:I’m going to… 设计意图:通过课前歌曲及free talk进行热身,创设良好的英语语言环境的同时复习上节课的句型。复习了动...
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