外研社(一起)一下《This is my head》教案

2016-07-11  | 外研社 head 教案 


  Book 2 Module 4 Unit 1

  This is my head


  1. Learn the new words: head, face, nose, mouth, eye and ear.

  2. Can know and express their own five organs.


  1. Learn the new words: head, face, nose, mouth, eye and ear.

  2. Can know and express own five organs.


  Word card, multi-media, a picture of pan pan


  I. Warming-up and revision .

  1. Greeting

  T: Good morning, boys and girls!

  2. Play a guessing game

  Teacher asks some students come to the front and do some actions.

  II. Leading-in .

  T: Boys and girls, look at the screen. Who鈥檚 he? (Show a famous cartoon character鈥 Big head son鈥潯#

  T: Oh, he has a big head.

  III .Listen and reading activities .

  T show the word card 鈥渉ead鈥潱 teach it, students read it follow the teacher. Teacher must emphasize 鈥渆a鈥 pronounces as /e/.

  Compare 鈥渉and鈥 with 鈥渉ead鈥潯

  T: Oh, it鈥檚 six o鈥檆lock in the morning! I must wake up. (T does the action as wash face)

  T: Boys and girls, what am I doing?

  T: I am washing my face.

  T show the word card 鈥渇ace鈥潱 teach it, students read it follow the teacher. Teacher must emphasize 鈥渁c鈥 pronounces as /ei/.

  T: What鈥檚 this? (Show a picture of a toy elephant at the screen)

  T: Yes, you鈥檙e right. Elephant has a long nose.

  T show the word card 鈥渘ose鈥潱 teach it, students read it follow the teacher. Teacher must emphasize 鈥渘ose鈥 pronounces as /nauz/.

  T: What鈥檚 under the nose? (T touch the nose)

  T: It鈥檚 mouth.

  T show the word card 鈥渕outh鈥潱 teach it, students read it follow the teacher. Teacher must emphasize 鈥渙u鈥 pronounces as /au/.

  T: This your mouth (Point at the students)

  T: Boys and girls, let鈥檚 play another guessing game. They are two twins brothers. But they didn鈥檛 see each other any day.

  We use them listen something. Guess, what are they?

  T: Yes, they鈥檙e ears.

  T show the word card 鈥渆ar鈥潱 teach it, students read it follow the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation.

  T: This is your ear. (Point at the students)

  T: What other organs in our face?

  T: Yes, they鈥檙e our eyes.

  T show the word card 鈥渆ye鈥潱 teach it, students read it follow the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation.

  T: This is your eye. (Point at the students)

  IV. Further development

  1) Play a game: Touch your mouth/face/head/nose/eye/ear.

  Ask some students come to the front do the action, other students give the orders:

  2) T: Boys and girls, my name鈥檚 pan pan. This is the picture of me. Look, this is my mouth/face/head/nose/eye/ear. (T acts as pan pan)。

  Ⅵ。 Assign the homework.

  S:Good morning,Miss Duan!

  other student guess鈥 what is his/her occupation?鈥 when they know the answer, they must hands up and say He鈥檚/She鈥檚 a鈥

《外研社(一起)一下“This is my head”教案》摘要: of pan pan 教学过程: I. Warming-up and revision . 1. Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls! 2. Play a guessing game Teacher asks some students come to the front and do some actions. II. Leading...
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