外研社四下《I was two then》教案

2016-07-06  | 三格 外研社 四下 


  1.能熟练朗读单词 Who grandparent then me hair so

  2.能默写单词 grandparent me hair

  3.掌握动词be的过去式用法:I was two then.They were young then.




  小黑板 课件 图片


  Step 1: warming up

  Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li. T: How are you today? Ss: I'm fine,thank you.And you? T: I'm fine, very well. T: In this class, I'd like to divide you into six groups. If you answer my questions correctly, you will get a star.Try hard,OK? (设计意图:采用师生对话形式安定学生情绪,并以鈥湻肿榫赫澋鞫牟斡牖疃幕裕 跃课堂气氛。 )

  Step 2: Presention

  1.教师课件出示自己近期的照片 T:Look here! Yes, this is my photo. Now I am 25.Now I am tall and thin.(板书 Now I am tall and thin,帮助 学生理解 now.) T:My hair is short. Do you understand hair? (引出新单词 hair,手指向自己的头发,并将单词 hair 慢慢地 写在黑板上的四线三格中,同时示范 air 的发音。)

  2.教师课件出示自己小时候的照片 T: Look! I have a photo. Who is that little girl? Can you guess? (引出新单词 who,并将单词 who 慢慢地写 在黑板上的四线三格中,同时示范单词的发音。 T:It's me. (引出新单词 me并教学)

  3.前后两张照片对比 T:What's different ? Do you know? T:In this photo,I was 10,then. I was short and fat,then. You see I was a little girl,then. Now I am a teacher.

  4. T:In this photo,they were young,then. Now they are old.

  Step3. Listen and answer the questions: (课件出示问题)

  1.①Who are they? ②Who is that little girl?

  2.T:Who can answer this questions ? Who are they? S11: Grandparents. T:(课件展示)Ok,Look, this is grandma. And this is grandpa. We also called grandparents.(引出单词 grandparents,将单词 grandparents 慢慢地写在黑板上的四线三格中,示范并强调元音音素的发音。 ) T: Who is that little girl? Ss:Lingling T: Well done!

  3.Listen and repeat,pay attention to the prounciation and intonation. (设计意图:通过听读, 让学生模仿录音中正确的语音语调,养成良好的听说习惯。。)

  Reading the text role by role.

  Step 4: Practice

  1.T:Take out your books and look at part 3, talk about the differences. 教师用电脑出示图1做示范, 引导学生描述一张图的多处不同, 并注意鈥渨as, were, is , are鈥澋恼酚梅ā 例如: ①Her hair was short, then. Now her hair is long. ②She was short, then. Now she is tall. ③She was fat, then. Now she is thin. (设计意图:这一练习重点是纠正发音和语调,熟悉句型结构,使学生通过练习,能准确地模仿和 重复说出新学的语言。 )

  2.Please take out your photos and talk about it with your partner .

  Step 5: Production

  Talk about superstars T:Do you like stars? I will invite three superstars come to our class. Now, let's welcome. Clap your hands. (课件出示刘翔、姚明、小时候照片)Can you guess? T:Ok,(课件出示刘翔、姚明、成龙现在照片)Can you tell their changes? Let's talk about them.

  Step 6: Summary

  对学生进行整体评价, 比一比哪个小组这节课得到的 star 多

  Step 7: homework

  Talk about the changes around you/your family/friends/city鈥 (提示词:he/she, tall/short, fat/thin, cute/naughty, cool, nice,strong,clever鈥Α#

《外研社四下“I was two then”教案》摘要:m 25.Now I am tall and thin.板书 Now I am tall and thin,帮助 学生理解 now. T:My hair is short. Do you understand hair? 引出新单词 hair,手指向自己的头发,并将单词 hair 慢慢地 写在黑板上的四线三格中,同...
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