
2016-06-22  | 复习 译林 复习题 


  ( )1. 你想知道小鸟在哪,你会怎么说?

A. Where's the bird?
B. Where's the bed?

  ( )2.你想把东西给Bobby,应该怎么说?

A. Here you are, Bobby.
B. Here they are, Bobby.

  ( )3.你想告诉别人东西在门的后面,应该怎么说?

A. It's beside the door now!
B. It's behind the door now!

  ( )4.小鸟在树上时,你会说?

A.It's in the tree now.
B. It's on the tree now.

  ( )5.你想告诉别人他不是 Bobby时,你会说?

A. Oh, it's not Bobby.
B. Oh, it's not Bob.
C. it isn't Bobby.

  ( )6.你看到小鸟站在我的椅子上,你会说?

A. Stand on my desk!
B . Stand on my chair!
C. Sit on my chair!

  ( )7.不要站在我的椅子上,你会说?

A. Don't stand on my chair
B. Don't sit on my desk.

  ( )8.他站在门后面。你会说?

A. She's beside the door.
B. He's behind the door.

  ( )9.想知道这是否是别人的朋友。你会问?

A. Where is your friend?
B. Is this your friend?

  ( )10. 告诉对方这件夹克衫是红白相间的,可以说

A. The jacket is red and white.
B. red or white?

  ( )11.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说

A. I鈥檓 sorry.
B This is your book.
C. This isn鈥檛 my book.

  ( )12.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说

A. That is your pen.
B. Is that your pencil?
C. Is that your pen?

  ( )13.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说

A. What鈥檚 that?
B where鈥檚 my rubber?
C. Where鈥檚 my ruler?。

  ( )14.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说

A. This is for you
B. Thank you
C. Is this for you?

  ( )15.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说

A. Where鈥檚 my car?
B It鈥檚 over there.
C. That is your book.


  ( )1.Look my cap.

A. at
B. for
C. to

  ( )2. my T-shirt?

A. She鈥檚
B. What鈥檚
C. Where鈥檚

  ( )3.Look at new skirt.

A. she
B. I
C. my

  ( )4.Are you Helen? No,

A. I鈥檓
B.I am
C.I鈥檓 not

  ( )5.Look at

B. me
C. my

  ( )6. Nice..

A. It鈥檚
B. What
C. How

  ( )7.What colour is my T-shirt?

A. Red
B. How nice

  ( )8.Look at my skirt.

A.It鈥檚 aT-shirt
B. It鈥檚 great.

  ( )9.Your cap is great.

A. Thank you.
B. How nice.

  ( )10.Where鈥檚 your schoolbag? It鈥檚_____ my desk.

A. on
B. to


  ( )1.王兵看不清远处是不是他的午饭盒,他请迈克帮忙看一下,可以说?

A. Is that my lunch box?
B. Look my lunch box.
C. What鈥檚 that over there.

  ( )2.看,这是我的新夹克衫。

A. Look,this is my new jacket.
B. Look at my new jacket.
C. Look at my jacket.

  ( )3.他在那里。

A. He鈥檚 here.
B. She鈥檚 over there.
C. He鈥檚 over there .

  ( )4.看我。

A. Look at me.
B. Look at I.
C. Look me.

  ( ) 5. 你让对方看你的T恤衫,可以说

A. Look at my T-shirt.
B. Look at my skirt.
C. This is my jacket.

  ( ) 6. 你看了对方的新帽子后,可以说

A. It鈥檚 nice.
B. This is my new cap.
C. Thank you.

  ( ) 7. 杨玲找不到自己的橡皮了,她文迈克

A. Where鈥檚 my rubber?
B. Is this your rubber?
C. What colour is my rubber?

  ( ) 8. 当别人赞赏你的夹克衫好看时,你可以说

A. How nice!
B. This is my jacket.
C. Thank you.

  ( ) 9. 问对方想要白色的还是绿色的,可以说

A. White?
B. White or green?
C. It鈥檚 white and green.

  ( ) 10.苏海问Helen是不是看到鸟飞到她的书桌里了,可以说

A. Is the bird in the tree?
B. Is the bird in my desk?
C. The bird is in your desk?



  ( ) Where鈥檚 my ruler?

  ( ) What colour is your ruler?

  ( ) Is this your ruler?

  ( ) Oh, it鈥檚 under my pencil case.

  ( ) No, it isn鈥檛.

  ( ) it鈥檚 brown.

A. Yes, it is.
B. Hello, Jill.
C. What's that?
D It's a ruler.
E. Hello, Mike.
F. What colour is it?
G It's red.
H. How nice! Is it your ruler, Mike?


  ( )1.你请Helen进入你的房间,可以说:_________

  ( )2.当你想知道这是不是对方的爸爸时,你会说:________

  ( )3.当你向朋友介绍哥哥时,你会说:________

  ( )4.图书管里,你叫Mike不要吃东西,会说:________

  ( )5.你告诉朋友那不是你的铅笔,说:________

A. That鈥檚 not my pencil.
B. Come in, please.
C.This is my brother.
D . Don鈥檛 eat here.
E Is this your father?


  1.In class _________

  2. Stand up .Sit down.________________

  3. Please open the door. Yes, Mr Green.


  4 .Come in ,Mike. I'm sorry. 5.Look at the blackboard.


  6.Don鈥檛 listen to the parrot. 7 Don鈥檛 shout, Wang Bing .


  8.Would you like a sweet ? No,thank you. 或Yes ,please。


  9. What鈥檚 this ? It鈥檚 my English book.


  10.Don鈥檛 eat my cake. This isn鈥檛 my pencil.


  11.Is this your pencil ?No,it isn鈥檛. Yes, it is.


  12.That鈥檚 my pencil.Is that a pencil ? Yes, it is. It鈥檚 a pencil.


  13.Where鈥檚 your lunch box? It鈥檚 over there.


  14.What is it ? Cakes. 15.This is for you.




  2. 开门。________

  3. 不要跑步。________

  4. 不要打开书________

  5. 不要再这儿吃东西。________

  6. 请进来。________

  7. 这是什么?是一块橡皮。________________

  8. 那是什么?是一本英语书。________________

  9. 它是什么?它是一条漂亮的短裙。________________

  10. 你想要一本书吗?不,谢谢。________________

  11. 这是一支钢笔。________________

  12. 这是一支钢笔吗? ________________

  13. 那是一个书包。________________

  14. 那是一个书包吗?________________

  15. 小鸟在哪里? 在树上。________________

  16. 我的铅笔在哪里? 在课桌上。________________

  17.你的午餐盒在哪里? 在那儿。________________

  18. 这个蜡笔是给你的。________________

  19. 给你。________

  20.我的钢笔在哪儿? 在笔袋里。________________

《三年级英语下册3B期末复习题B卷(译林版新版)》摘要:5.你想告诉别人他不是 Bobby时,你会说? A. Oh, it's not Bobby. B. Oh, it's not Bob. C. it isn't Bobby. 6.你看到小鸟站在我的椅子上,你会说? A. Stand on my desk! B . Stand on my chai...
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人教(PEP)三下 《My family》同步练习


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