外研社一起M3 U1《He shouted, 'Wolf, wolf!'》教学设计

2016-01-21  | shouted 教学 外研社 


  NSE Book 8 Moudle 3 Unit 1 He shouted, 鈥淲olf, wolf!鈥


  语言功能: 讲述过去发生的事 语言结构: There was a boy. He looked after sheep. The boy ran to the village. 鈥淲olf, wolf,鈥 he shouted. They said, 鈥 Don鈥檛 tell lies!鈥



  1、 学习认读新单词 shout, wolf, sheep, bored, village, everyone, field, laugh, lie, 词组 once upona time, look after,功能句 He shouted, 鈥淲olf, wolf!鈥,做到发音准确、 清晰;

  2、 能够借助课文中的图片, 进行看图说话。


  1、 复习运用规则动词及不规则动词的一般过去式;

  2、 通过师生问答、 角色扮演等多种言语交际活动, 培养和提高口语交际能力;


  通过学习本课这则寓言故事, 教育学生做诚实守信的人。

  教学重、 难点:

  1、 规则动词及不规则动词的一般过去式。

  2、 学习并掌握单词 shout, wolf, sheep, bored, village, everyone, field, laugh, lie, 词组 once upona time, look after,功能句 He shouted, 鈥淲olf, wolf!鈥


  对于规则及不规则动词的过去式, 学生在前一册教材中已经学习过, 本课的主要目的就在于复习巩固运用。 本课的语言呈现材料为一则寓言故事, 学生对其汉语版本耳熟能详, 因此兴趣盎然。


  对于学生来说, 英语学习中的听、 说、 读、 写训练都是其有效学习的方式,都需要教师运用生动的教学方式去激发其兴趣, 帮助其掌握语言材料, 所以故事教学、 表演、 创编等都是可供利用的极佳选择。 故事是最古老、 最生动的语言技巧之一, 是一种倍受各种年龄阶段的学习者欢迎的方式, 也是激发小学生学习兴趣的有效方法。


  CAI 课件、 单词卡片、 录音机


  Step One Warmer

  1. Greetings.

  2. Listen and say words.

  Animals: sheep goat dog cat horse cow wolf tiger lion panda duck hen goose cock rooster bird

  Actions: run sing walk cry shout say come go wear jump write read look watch see laugh smile talk

  3. CAI Look and guess. T: I鈥檒l tell you a story. Long, long ago, in the forest there was a wood house. Guess! What鈥檚 in the house? S: There was/were鈥 T: You鈥檙e right, shout 鈥淗ooray!鈥 Suddenly, a large noise came, the boy began to run and shout, where did he run? And what did he shout? S: He ran to the window/door鈥 and shouted鈥 T: He ran to the window and shouted, 鈥淭iger, tiger!鈥

  Step Two Presentation

  1. T: Do you like this story? Have you heard the story 鈥溊抢戳耍 鈥 ? Tell us the story.

  2. CAI T: Today we鈥檒l learn to tell the story in English! Let鈥檚 look and listen.

  Step Three Practice

  1. CAI Look, listen and repeat. Try to answer the question, 鈥淒id the people help the boy at last? Why?鈥

  2. Books open. Listen to the tape-recorder and repeat one sentence by one sentence. Choose the correct answer of the question in pairs.

  1) What was the boy鈥檚 job?

  A. He looked after wolves.

  B. He looked after sheep.

  2) What did the boy shout?

  A. 鈥淲olf, wolf!鈥

  B. 鈥淪heep, sheep!鈥

  3) What did people do at first?

  A. They ran to the field.

  B. They killed the wolf.

  4) Did the wolf come at last?

  A. No, it didn鈥檛.

  B. Yes, it came to the field.

  3. Learn the new words. Say the sentences these words belong to in the text. CAI look after look after the dog look after the garden sheep鈥攕heep wolf鈥攚olves field ran to the field ran to ran to the village ran to the field

  4. CAI Look , read the story and learn the words 鈥渙nce upon a time bored everyone laugh tell lies 鈥

  5. CAI Complete the sentences and tell the story in groups.

  6. CAI Listen and say.

  Step Four Production

  1. Give the key words of the story 鈥淲olf, wolf!鈥, tell the story.

  2. CAI Look at the pictures and tell a story. shouted ran laughed said

  Step Five Cooler

  1. Summary of the lesson. 不规则变化 run鈥攔an is鈥攚as are鈥攚ere come鈥攃ame don鈥檛鈥攄idn鈥檛 say鈥攕aid eat鈥攁te 规则变化 look鈥攍ooked shout鈥攕houted laugh鈥攍aughed He is wise that is honest.

  2. Homework: Tell the story.

《外研社一起M3 U1“He shouted, 'Wolf, wolf!'”教学设计》摘要:, 教育学生做诚实守信的人。 教学重、 难点: 1、 规则动词及不规则动词的一般过去式。 2、 学习并掌握单词 shout, wolf, sheep, bored, village, everyone, field, laugh, lie, 词组 once upona time, look afte...
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