广东四下Lesson2《where are you going》教案

2016-01-19  | Lesson going 四下 

  Step 1 Review



  Step 2 New lessons T

  arget Getting ready

  Draw a smiling face on the board and write I underneath. Put one of the Picture Card, e.g. bank, next to it.

  T: (Point to I.) I鈥檓 going to the (bank)。

  Put up the Picture Card of Jenny (from Level 1) on the board. Write she underneath the card. Put another Picture Card from this unit next to it.

  T: Can you make a sentence? Where is she going?

  Ss: She鈥檚 going to the (park)。

  Put the Picture Cards of Tony and Gogo (from Level 1) on the board with a Picture Cards from this unit next to them. Write they underneath the cards of Tony and Gogo.

  Ask Ss to make up a sentence.

  Using the book

  Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.

  Ask Ss to make up a sentence.

  Play the tape a few times and have Ss repeat.

  Extension activity

  选择一个问答句型写在黑板上, 地名用空格代替,如:Are you going to the ____. No, I鈥檓 not. I鈥檓 going to the ____.让学生站成一排,教师给每个学生发卡片的时候,根据卡片内容说出相应的句子,如:You are going to the (beach)。首先,站在前排的S1用自己的卡片提问问题,如:Are you going to the (beach)?S2则根据自己的卡片回答,如:No, I鈥檓 not. I鈥檓 going to the (hospital)。然后S2又利用自己的卡片向S3提问,S3根据自己卡片的内容回答。整排学生依次序继续对话。当轮到一排的最后一位同学时,教师在黑板上再写一个问答句型,如:Where are you going? I鈥檓 going to the ____.让学生交换卡片,练习新的语言句型。

  Practice 2

  Getting ready

  T:Look at the pictures. (Point to the first picture.)

  Have one pair say the Q and A exchange for the picture.

  S1: Where鈥檚 she going?

  S2: She鈥檚 going to the restaurant.

  Do the same with the picture of shopping mall.

  Using the book.

  Have Ss read out the lyrics and fill in the blanks to match the two pictures.

  Have Ss practice singing with the new lyrics. To match the rhythm of the last line, have Ss sing Res-tau-rant and Shop-ping-mall.

  T: Let鈥檚 sing the song with our new lyrics.

  Play the karaoke version of the song and have the whole class sing.

  Play the tape again. Ss sing the original song with the recorded voices, and then the new lyrics with the karaoke version.

  Extension activity

  让学生围坐成一个圈,教师站在圈中央,问S1:Where are you going today? S1:如实回答,就像在鈥溞驴纬氏肘澆糠侄晕侍釪进行真实回答那样,如:I鈥檓 going to the (park)。问S2一个有关S1的问题,这问题是要求用否定回答的,如:Is he going to the (bank)? S2回答:No, he鈥檚 not. He is going to the (park)。 然后教师提问:How about you? S2作真实回答。然后教师问S3一个有关S2的问题,这问题是要求用否定回答的。当教师轮完一圈之后,还可问学生同样的问题,但这次应任意提问圈内的同学,这样所有学生均需仔细听别人的回答。

  Step 3 Homework


《广东四下Lesson2“where are you going”教案》摘要:to them. Write they underneath the cards of Tony and Gogo. Ask Ss to make up a sentence. Using the book Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. Ask Ss to make up a sentence. Play the tape a few tim...
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