
2016-01-05  | 李明 美术室 A. 


( )1、你给李明打电话,接电话的是他姐姐,他姐姐让你等一下,她会说:_______
A. Hold on,please.
B. May I speak to Ling Ming?
( )2、郭阳想叫你一起去打球,你同意了,你会说:_______
A. Sorry!
B. OK!
( )3、Jenny给Tom打电话,Jenny 说:_______
A. Hello! This is Tom speaking.
B. Hello! This is Jenny speaking.
( )4、当你询问你可以和李明通话吗,你会说:_______
A. May I talk to Li Ming?
B. May I speak to Li Ming?
( )5、你问Danny,他可以和你一起出去打球吗,你会问:_______
A. Let鈥檚 go and play basketball.
B. Shall we go and play basketball?
( )6、Danny 想知道你的头发是长还是短,你回答:_______
A. I have short hair.
B. You have short hair.
( )7、郭阳想知道你的爸爸是干什么工作的,你回答:_______
A. She is a nurse.
B. He is a policeman.
( )8、你想知道Grace的姐姐在哪工作,她告诉你:_______
A. She is cute.
B. She works in a hospital.
( )9、你看见美术室里挂着一幅漂亮的油画,你会说:_______
A. How cute!
B. How beautiful!
( )10、你问李明,他的哥哥是干什么工作的,你会问:_______
A. What does your brother do, Liming?
B. Where is your brother,Liming?
( 11.Tom 对Guo Yang 说该上课了,他会说:
A.It鈥檚 time for school .
B. It鈥檚 time for class .
( ) 12. Jenny 问Denny 周日经常干什么,Denny回答说:
A. What do you do ?
B. I often make things .
( ) 13. Wang Hong 对Lingling 说鈥溡黄鸹丶野桑♀滾ingling会说:
A. OK!
B. No , I am not .
( ) 14. Guo Yang 问Lily周六经常干什么,他会问:
A. What day is today ?
B. What do you often do on Saturday , Lily ?
( )15.李明说他星期天经常弹钢琴,他会说:
A. I often play the piano on Sunday .
B.I often play football on Sunday .
( ) 16.Tom 想知道你是否喜欢数学,他会问:
A.What do you like ?
B.Do you like maths?
( ) 17. 你想知道你今天上什么课,你会问:
A.What subjects do we have today ?
B.What subjects do they have today ?
( ) 18. 你们班来了一位新同学,叫李明,你介绍他时应说:
A.This is Li Ming .
B.This is Li Ming , our new classmate .
( ) 19. Danny问你上的科目是什么,你回答说:
A.I have science .
B.It鈥檚 science .
( )20. 你对Jenny 说,该上学了,你会说:
A. It鈥檚 time for school .
B. Let鈥檚 go home .
( ) 21. Danny 问你今天是星期几,他会问:
A. What day is today ?
B. What is it ?
( ) 22. Tom 想知道你阿姨的爱好,你回答:
A. What鈥檚 your aunt鈥檚 hobby ?
B. She likes swimming .
( ) 23. Guo Yang 问一周有几天,你回答:
A. We have four days in a week .
B. We have seven days in a week .
( ) 24. Tom问你最爱的科目是什么,你回答说:
A. I have science .
B. It鈥檚 science .
( ) 25. Daming 问Lily夏天穿什么衣服,Lily回答说:
A. It鈥檚 summer .
B. I often wear T-shirt .
( )26.Lily 问你今天星期几,她应该怎么问:
A. What day is today ?
B. What is today ?
( )27.你要问山东的天气怎样,怎么问:
A. How鈥檚 the weather in Shandong ?
B. What鈥檚 the weather in Shandong ?
( )28..你想说我的爱好是跳舞,怎么说:
A. My hobby is dancing .
B. My favorite is dancing .
《鲁科版四年级英语上册情景选择练习》摘要:,他可以和你一起出去打球吗,你会问: A. Let’s go and play basketball. B. Shall we go and play basketball? 6、Danny 想知道你的头发是长还是短,你回答: A. I have short hair. B. You have short ha...
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