
2013-10-11  |  

  T: Who can read faster, maybe you can read faster than Miss Tang.

  The boy. One, two, go.

  T& S6: Ball 1 is bigger than Ball 2.

  T: No, you’re slow. You, please. One, two, go.

  T& S7: Ball 1 is bigger than Ball 2.

  T: More practice, you’ll be faster. Pair work.


  T:OK. Which pair? You two, please. One, two, go.

  S8&S9: Ball 1 is bigger than Ball 2.

  T asks some other pairs.

  T:(Draw Ball 3 and Ball 4 in Ball 1 and Ball 2. ) We can say: Ball 4 is _______ than Ball 3. The girl.

  S14: Ball 4 is smaller than Ball 3.

  T: Very good. Can you spell it?

  S14: s-m-a-l-l-e-r. (T gives three steps. )

  T: (Writes it down. ) Together, Ball 4… one, two, go.

  Ss: (Read it together. ) Ball 4 is smaller than Ball 3.

  T: Be quick.

  Ss: (Repeat quicker) Ball 4 is smaller than Ball 3.

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