
2013-05-17  | lesson 英语 师大 

  【To analyze the book】

  There are four units in Book 5.This is Lesson 7. It鈥檚 about a family members topic.It mainly deals with the dialogue about 鈥淚s he/she鈥? Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn鈥檛.鈥滻n section A,it provides a real situation for the students to practise the pattern. Using the words 鈥渇ather, mother, brother and sister.鈥漌e鈥檒l study and drill the sentences and the word鈥檚 pronunciation.

  【To analyze the students】

  Fifth grade students about the age of 12 or 13.Students in general reflect the simple and lovely .Most of the students to concentrate in class lectures.They have very good oral.But most of the students are bad at writing and very lazy .Leading to poor writing ability.

  【Teaching aims】

  1.The students can introduce family members.

  2.Listen,say,read and write the words鈥渇ather, mother,

  brother and sister.鈥

  3.Listen,say,read and write the sentences 鈥淚s he/she鈥? Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn鈥檛.鈥

  【Teaching important】

  Able to correctly use the "Is he / she ...?" The sentence asked another person's domestic situation

《辽师大版英语第五册:lesson7教案(张冬梅)》摘要:ovides a real situation for the students to practise the pattern. Using the words father, mother, brother and sister.We’ll study and drill the sentences and the word’s pronunciation. 【To...
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