Module6 Unit2 She's got a pet cat.教案(四)(3)

2011-05-24  |  

  He"s got a pet.

  Shanshan has got a pet, too. It"s a fish. Shanshan is a girl, so we can say:

  She"s got a pet.

  2. Listen and repeat.

  3. Role read.

  Step IV. Practice.

  1. Let"s point and say: XX has got a pet. He/ She"s got a pet.

  2. Listen and match.

  3. Chant.

  I"ve got a dog. You"ve got a cat. He"s got a mouse! Look at that!

  I"ve got a rabbit. You"ve got a snake. She"s got duck, there in the lake!

  4. Guess, guess, guess: Now, I am thinking one of you, please guess who he/she is. This is a boy, he"s got short hair, he"s got round face, he"s got big eyes, he"s got a pair of glasses. He"s tall and he can play basketball well. Who is he?

  5. Describe your friend. This is my friend, he"s /she"s got…

  6. Task: give each group a letter, describe a person or an animal.

  Task1: Describe a member in your group.

  Task2: Describe a pet.

  Task3: Describe a teacher.

  Ok,now , you"ve got a great task. Someone has sent you a letter. each group will get a letter, We"ll see which group can make a riddle very fast.5 minutes.

  7. Let"s show it.

  StepV consolidation.

  1. Sum up.

  2. See you.

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