Module 3 Uint3 The seasons 教学设计

2011-04-19  | seasons 教学 设计 

  Teacher:Lang Xia Primary School Zhang Yan

  Topic:Oxford English 3BM3U3 The seasons

  Learning Objectives:

  1. Review sth about the four seasons.

  Eg: Ask and answer, describe the seasons.

  2.Learn the new words: grow, shine, fall, blow. And be able to read,spell and recite the words.

  3.Learn the phrases about the new words: grow and grow ,shine and shine, fall and fall,blow and blow. Be able to read,spell and recite the new phrases and use them in corret situations.

  4.Be able to use the new words and phrases to describe the four seasons..

  5. Be able to read the whole story fluently.

  6. Some students are able to retell the story.

  Teaching Process:


  1. Warming up.

  (1) Quick responds.

  What day is it today?

  How is the weather?

  What鈥檚 the season now?

  How many seasons are there in a year?What are they? Do you like them?

  T: I have a song about the seasons. Do you like to sing with me?

  (2) Sing a song .(自编歌词,雪绒花音乐伴奏)

  Spring is green. Spring is warm. I can play and fly the kites.

  Summer is red. Summer is hot. I can swim in the sea.

《Module 3 Uint3 The seasons 教学设计》摘要:row, shine, fall, blow. And be able to read,spell and recite the words. 3.Learn the phrases about the new words: grow and grow ,shine and shine, fall and fall,blow and blow. Be able to read,spell and...
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