Line A is longer

2008-10-15 作者:misswu | longer Line sentences 

  Module 8 Unit2  Line A is longer.

  I.Teaching aims and demands.

  1. Presenting different points of view.

  2. Though CAI and compare the object.

  II.Teaching contents.

  1.  Skill words: longer、 shorter、 bigger、 smaller、

  line、 circle、 some、 think.

  2.  Skill sentence: A: Line A is longer.

  B: I think so. / I don’t think so.

  3.  Dialogues: Using the sentences that the students have learnt, get the class to make dialogues with the sentences.

  III. Procedures.

  Step 1 Warming up

  a.  Say the chant .

  Big    big   bigger

  Small  small  smaller

  Long   long   longer

  Short  short   shorter

  b.  Free talk.

  “What do you suggest?”

  Step 2 Presentation

  1.  Ask the students to look at the pictures and teach the new words one by one : line circle

  2.  Let students read and spell, then show the key sentence.(comparation)

  Line A is longer / shorter .

  Circle A is bigger / smaller .

  Circle A is the same as circle B .

  3.  Play the tape.

  (Let the students listen to the tape and answer the questions)

  Step 3 Dilling

  Show some pictures and to drill the sentence.

  A: Line A is longer.

  B: I think so / I don’t think so.

  Step 4 Summary

  1.  Listen and match.

  2.  Read and draw.

  Step 5 Homework.

  1.  Copy the skill sentence.

  2.  Make a dialogue with your partner.

  Blackboard Design:

  Module 8  Unit 2

  Line A is longer / shorter .       

  Circle A is bigger / smaller .

  Circle A is the same as circle B .

  Winner Goup: Line A   Line B

《Line A is longer》摘要:so.3. Dialogues: Using the sentences that the students have learnt, get the class to make dialogues with the sentences.III. Procedures.Step 1 Warming upa. Say the chant .Big big biggerSmall small sm...
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