
2008-10-15 作者:seven777… | 牛津 英语 上海 

  Module 1 Unit 1    1st  hour

  Teaching Aims:

  1. To develop an awareness and an enjoyment of the basic sounds of English

  through saying a poem. (Eda)

  2. To respond to something through making a simple object. (EDb)

  3. To obtain and provide objects and information through simple interactive

  games. (Ide)

  Education Aims:   Good habits.

  Teaching Focus:

  1.Using nouns to identify different parts of the body

  e.g. nose

  2.Using modal verb ‘can/can’t to talk about ability

  e.g. I can’t see.

  Teaching Aids:

  A tape-recorder、 a picture、 a small mirror

  Teaching procedure:


  Step One: Warming up

  1.Sing a song 《Hide and seek》.

  2.Greetings each other.

  Step Two: New teaching

  1.Introduce: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair by pointing at these parts of your body. Put the picture on the board.

  2.Write: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair on the board. Read after the teacher.

  3.T say: Touch your nose/ears/eyes/hair/mouth.  P act.

  4.Hold a small mirror and ask :What’s this? P answer. {A mirror}.

  Learn the word.  

  A. Read after me.

  B. Read one by one.

  C. Spell the word.

  5.Ask a student to look in the mirror. Ask: What can you see? To

  elicit: eyes/ears/mouth/nose/hair  P-P work in pairs.                

  6. Please open your books at page 2.  Listen and read after the recording.

  Invite individual students to say the poem.   

  7. Divide the class into groups. Ask students to follow the instructions in the Student’s Book and mask a mask.

  8. Play the cassette: Look and Say. The students follow in their books.

  9. One student in each group wears the mask. The others ask: What can you see? to elicit: I can’t see. Then, they put some objects on a desk.

《上海牛津英语3B教案》摘要:eek》.2.Greetings each other.Step Two: New teaching1.Introduce: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair by pointing at these parts of your body. Put the picture on the board.2.Write: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, h...
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