三年级优质课第一册Unit 6第1课时案例(2)

2008-10-15  |  



  2/ T (take out a pencil): Look! What’s this? P: A pencil.

  T(take out some pencils): Oh, yes. And how many pencils? Let’s count!

  T-Ps: one, two, three……seven, seven pencils.引出数字“seven”的认读教学。(请多位little teacher带读)

  3/ T (take out some oranges from the pocket): Look! What’s in my hand? P: orange(s).

  T: Guess! How many oranges? Ps: ……T: Now, let’s count! One, two, ……eight. Oh, eight oranges.(请学生帮忙拿出老师口袋里的最后一个橘子。并把小橘子奖励给猜对的小朋友。)——引出数字“eight”的认读教学。(Play a game: Warm & cool) 4/ T 拿出钥匙包: I have some keys. Do you know how many keys here? P guess: 1?  3?  6? 9?……T: Let’s count, how many keys here? One, two,……ten. Oh, I have ten keys.——引出数字“ten”的认读教学。Play a game: 听音敲词游戏——复习巩固数字1—10. (2) Ps open English books, listen to the tape, then read the text. (3)Watch TV, and do it.(看课件,学习Let’s do) “Show me 1 and 2; Show me 3 and 4; Show me 5 and 6; Show me 7 and 8…引导学生边说边做,突出and, 为下一环节的实施铺垫。


  (1) Solve math problems with numbers① 播放课件,呈现一个数学算式:3+4=? T: What’s 3 and 4?P: 7! T: Super!

  呈现句子:What’s 3 and 4?② 呈现下一个数学算式:1+6=?

  学生尝试用英语来表达:What’s one and six?  P: ……③ DIY活动任务布置: DIY——轮到你了!请从下列任务中任选一项完成: Task 1: 请设计一个数学加法算式(要求算式的和最好能在10或10以内); Task 2: 请设计一个电话号码,(最好不超过5位);      好了吗?   下面就请你和自己大组的同学说一说吧!别忘了,如果他们能正确回答出你设计的题目,请在旁边画上一个 。咱们比一比,谁的 多?学生自选一项任务设计完成后开展充分的自由讨论活动。

  (2) T take out some toys on the desk.( a toy monkey; a doll; an elephant)① T: Look! Toys. Monkey, doll, elephant. Now they are on sale.(出示售卖牌) Monkey! How much? Guess! One yuan? Five yuan?……

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